The Perfect Mother’s Day Weekend

The Perfect Mother’s Day Weekend

  Calbourne Mill are opening on 29th and 30th March & Debbie Hart will be there for The IOW Red Squirrel Trust Debbie will have all sorts of squirrely items for you to peruse and purchase (remember to bring cash as Debbie WILL NOT have a card reader with...
If You Build It, They Will Come!

If You Build It, They Will Come!

Ok, so we didn’t actually build it. However we are delighted to inform you that, contrary to our initial fears, red squirrels are in fact visiting our woodland! So we are very excited to be sharing these photographs with you. Support Our...
We Bought A Wood!

We Bought A Wood!

After years of hoping, planning, fund raising and searching 2024 was the year that we finally made it happen! We bought a Planted Ancient Woodland Site which means the ancient woodland was cut down and fast growing Lawson cypress was planted and these trees do not...
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